
Friday, October 7, 2011

Free Baby Magazine Subscriptions!

Hey guys, I was reading Modern Mommyhood's blog, and I saw that there are some baby magazines that are currently offering a FREE subscription!  Yes please, I'll take me some free.  I'm normally not a big magazine person because they are mostly filled with trash (unless it's a decorating/organizing me some of those!) and cost way too much money, but with a baby on the way, I find myself wanting to read more about babies all the time!  The first free subscription is from American Baby magazine.  It's a sister magazine to Parents magazine.  The subscription is for 6 months.

The next magazine offering a free subscription is from Baby Talk magazine.  The subscription is for 1 year.  They too are owned by Parents magazine.

Speaking of subscriptions, if you haven't already, I would LOVE it if you would subscribe to my blog! You can subscribe by e-mail in the box on the right hand side of the screen, or you can subscribe by clicking the blue button on the right hand side that says "Join this site."  I prefer to subscribe to blogs the blue button way because I can keep track of several different blogs at the same time.  Google Friend Connect (the blue button "join this site" people) organize the blogs and list recently updated posts.  It's like a little website you can log onto to check all the blogs you read and see if anyone has updated, and it's free (like I would have it any other way....) Thanks guys!  I hope you have a wonderful Friday!!! :)

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