
Friday, March 8, 2013

15 Weeks Pregnant: Baby #2

I am 15 weeks and 1 day today!  Woo hoo! 

Please excuse my dirty mirror.  Ugh!  I am going to clean it now. :)

I have been feeling a pretty good amount of movement lately.  I still only feel it when I am sitting down and being still.  This has been a pretty eventful week.  I feel like I've had a lot of those lately.  I will start with last weekend.

Y'all know I have been having blood pressure issues.  Well, last Friday evening, I was fixing supper, and we were having my father in-law over.  I was rushing around trying to get everything ready.  I had to time it just right because Adam was working late, and it wasn't a meal that could just sit and wait for him to get home.  So by the time we were ready to eat, I was very winded and faint.  My heart was about to pound out of my chest.  I grabbed Adam and told him I needed to lay down.  I was so embarrassed.  Adam walked me over to the couch, and I laid down.  I told them to go ahead and eat.  I did not feel like eating at all.  Our couch is literally like 10 feet from our table, so they could see me just fine.  They went ahead and ate.  I felt better after I rested a little bit and drank some water.  I wanted to cry because August was just staring at me from his high chair.  He couldn't understand why mommy was laying on the couch instead of eating with him. :(  I ate later that evening, and I felt much better.

The next day we went to a consignment sale to get August some clothes and shoes.  He should be in 18 month clothing now....what???  We have been trying to make his 12 month clothes work for as long as possible, but it is getting soooo tight.  I also needed some maternity jeans.  I have some that friends have given me...but I have skinny friends.  Haha.  So we went, and I got so winded and so tired from walking around.  I had to actually sit down in the floor at the consignment sale.  How embarrassing.  So I rested the rest of the evening, and Adam took care of August.  He is a great dad!

The next day during Sunday school at church, I was just sitting there in class, listening.  Sunday school was almost over, and I had been sitting there for over an hour.  Out of nowhere, my heart started racing.  It felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.  I checked my pulse, and it was about 100 beats per minute, even though I had just been sitting there for an hour.  I have no idea what caused it.  I felt so tired and out of breath.  I told Adam what was going on, and he insisted that I go home and lay down.  I knew he was right and that I should.  I knew people at church would come up and ask me how I was feeling, and I knew I would probably cry.  Haha.  I cry when I get embarrassed or scared.  I was scared because I didn't know why I was feeling this way, and I would also be embarrassed if I couldn't stand and sing along with everyone.  So I went home and rested.  I kept a check on my pulse the rest of the day.  It got up to 115 just by unloading the dishwasher.  (I wasn't supposed to have done that, but I did it anyway).  It would usually stay around 90 when I was just sitting down.  I have no idea what was going on.

So Monday and Tuesday I rested as best I could.  I called the doctor's office Monday, and they told me to just rest and go to Labor and Delivery if my pulse gets too high.  Of course I have no idea what too high is.  So I just said ok.  For my appointment on Wednesday, I saw one of the doctors this time.  My midwife had suggested that I meet with the doctor just in case I needed to be switched to him.  Believe it or blood pressure was 101/60.  Low, just like it always had been.  I was shocked, but glad.  The doctor said everything is looking good.  He attributed the increased pulse to all of the extra blood I'm carrying.  He said it will make me get out of breath easier since my heart has to work hard to get all of the blood moved around.  My weight is still the same, no change.  I attribute that to craving salad, fruit, fish, and not having much of an appetite.  I asked the doctor about the cream that was prescribed to me for my PUPPPS rash, and he said it was safe to use.  He said the baby is fully developed at this point, he/she is just growing.  So he said if the baby has any malformations, it has already happened.  I still haven't used the cream since then though.  I have been trying other methods to help with the itch.  The doctor was really nice, and Adam liked him too.  He still would prefer I see a woman, but it's nice to know that if I do get switched to him, he seems to be a good doctor.

For the PUPPPs rash, it is full blown for sure.  It's on my belly, arms, legs, and I think I feel a patch coming up on my back.  I googled PUPPPS rash like crazy, and a lot of women swear by Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap.

I found some on Amazon and ordered it.  I just got it last night.  It smells like a campfire, but I will take it.  It has all of the ingredients that I have found online that are supposed to be natural itch remedies (aloe, chamomile, basil, etc).  I am going to use it twice a day.  So far after 2 uses I can't tell much, but I read that it takes a few days to help.  A lot of women said it completely cleared their puppps up.  I will see how it does.  I'm using it on my face for acne too. 

My next appointment is in 3 weeks.  We will find out at the appointment after that whether it's a boy or a girl! :) I think I know, but we will get the scan and find out for sure!  So in about 5 weeks we will find out what we're having.  Exciting!  :)