
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Baby #2 is a......

We couldn't be more excited!  It will be so great having boys close in age.  They will be 15-16 months apart!  I can't wait for them to grow up together.  As soon as I figure out Windows 8......(can you hear my irritation???), I will be uploading the reveal video.  If you have any pointers on iCloud v.s. P.C. please help me out.  My photo stream for iCloud is not showing any videos.  Only pictures.  The video clip is too long to e-mail or text to myself.  Ok, I will NOT let this happy post turn into a Windows 8 rant. 
We can't wait to meet you, baby boy!  We love you so much!  


  1. Yay!!! Brothers are so much fun and you will love being the mom to 2 boys :-) congrats!!!! So happy for your family.

    1. Thank you! We are SO excited! I'm so excited about having boys! Maybe there will be a girl in the future, but I am excited to have boys so close in age!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Danielle! We are SOOOO excited!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! What a blessing!

    Windows 8 IS horrible. I'm sorry you are having so many problems with it. :( Lacy

    1. Thanks Lacy! We can't wait for him to be here! Yes, it is horrible. I wish that salesman hadn't talked us into it! Gah!

  4. SOO exciting!! Congratulations to you all! Itll be so cute to have two boys so close in age. And they always have a playmate, good for you! :) That picture of you all is adorable.

    are you using an iphone? you could upload the video to youtube and then embed the link. (?) thats what I do. good luck! Ben has the same exact problem with windows 8 at work. no advice though :/

    1. Thank you! We are so excited!!! Yes, I have an iphone now. I thought about doing youtube. I may have to do that. I was trying to avoid it if possible, just out of hassle, haha, but that may be what I have to do. Thank you for the comment! We feel so blessed!
