
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Update! It's a GIRL!

Well, hey y'all!  I have been thinking about my little blog here lately, and just thought I would give an update.  I don't know if I'm coming back or not, but I just thought I would update and see what happens. :)

I guess I'll start with the biggest news....I am 34 weeks pregnant with a baby GIRL!  We are extremely excited!  She is due October 25.  Her name is Layla Abney Hare.  Abney was Adam's mom's maiden name.  We just like the name Layla. :)  So I have been busy working on her nursery, going to doctor's appointments and all of that.  The pregnancy has been good alright a little rough.  We had a little scare in the beginning.  I was put on bed rest for about 6 weeks.  I had a subchorrionic hemorrhage, which is an active bleed located inside my uterus.  I never saw any blood, but it was quite large on the ultrasound.  However, as far as we can tell, baby was not affected by it, praise the Lord!  It has been a tiring pregnancy taking care of 2 toddlers.  I had morning sickness daily until I was 24 weeks.  I had to be put on a medication just so I could function.  Now things are getting harder, since I'm at the end.  Insomnia, aches and pains, heartburn, the usual.  I'm ready for her to be here!

The boys are doing great.  They are the best of friends, although they can fight pretty good too. :)  August is 3 years old (WHAT?!), and Jude just turned 2 years last month.  They are together pretty much 24/7.  They share a room, and that has been an adventure to say the least. August is in a twin bed, and Jude is still in a crib.  I don't see Jude in a bed for a LONG time!  He's much more babyish than August, although I'm sure that has something to do with me and how I treat him. :) August is constantly talking and learning, content to play with his construction toys for as long as you will let him.  Jude is all over the place.  Constantly running, obsessed with all sports, and always has a football in his hand.  Just an example of their personalities, we went to a local football game.  August told me that he wanted to play in the band, and Jude told me that he wanted to play football.  That sums them up right there.  They both bring so much joy to my life.  I'm so thankful for them.  They keep my days busy, but I couldn't have it any other way.

Busy doesn't begin to describe our life right now.  The boys are in a 2 day/week preschool program for 1/2 a day to give me a little rest.  I plan to use that window to catch up on sleep when baby girl comes.  (If she will let me.) Who am I kidding, I need to catch up on sleep right now!  Adam is also in school.  He just started his second year at Moody Bible Institute online.  He is still working full time (usually more than full time), so he is quite busy.  We also help lead our youth group, which we LOVE!  And that takes time as well, but it's time very much enjoyed.  August has also started in the AWANA program at our church, so there is a lot going on around here.  Something to do every day it seems.

Well, I'll keep it short and see if I can't add in a few pictures.  I have always had trouble uploading pictures to Blogger.  We got a new computer so I'll see if it's any easier.  Is anyone still out there?  Anyone still reading? :)

Back porch water table fun!

Panama City Beach, August 2015

This quickly escalated to drawing on the walls.

Thomas the Train exhibit at Creative Discovery Museum for Jude's birthday!

On vacations, 28 weeks pregnant!

On vacation at Gulf World, hanging out with the sting rays.


Family photo on vacation....Adam is so dark!

I wanted to remember what bedtime was like with 2. :)

Hanging out at the football game

Watching football with my boys.  I just realized I'm wearing the same thing in all of these pictures.  You wear what fits at the end of pregnancy!  Amen?

Well, I have to say, it's much easier uploading pics from a MacBook than a PC.  Maybe I'll get back in to this blogging thing.  We will see. :)