
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday, December 28, 2012

This post was written Friday, December 28, 2012 and was posted to the blog on Saturday, January 12, 2013.

Well, still pregnant, and still only a few people (close friends/people Adam works with) know. No family yet.  I'm so ready for everyone to know!  We are having a late Christmas tonight with Adam's dad though, so I think we are going to tell him then.  We haven't seen my parents since Christmas, so we haven't really had an opportunity to tell them.  We are thinking we will tell them New Year's Eve or New Year's Day maybe.  I probably won't make it public knowledge til after we have had a doctor's appointment.  I guess I'll really believe I am officially pregnant then.  Haha.

I still haven't seen the doctor due to our insurance waiting period.  A couple people have told me about a pregnancy resource center in the area that does free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.  I looked them up online, but they are closed until January 2nd.  Adam is finding out today exactly what day our insurance becomes active.  I wonder if we could back charge or whatever you call it....some insurances will go back and pay for things you had done during the waiting period. Hmmmm, maybe we could ask about that.

My feelings about being pregnant have definitely changed.  I'm usually pretty good about accepting how things are and adjusting my mind to focus on what needs to be done now.  I am now excited, and I am embracing being pregnant.  I know that this is a blessing, and it is God's plan.  So that is exciting!!!! Right? :)  I cleaned out my closet of all of my skinny clothes, haha, and I only have things in there now that actually fit.  I remember when I was pregnant with August that I held onto my skinny clothes as long as I could, and I would get really frustrated when nothing in my closet was fitting me.  I haven't put my maternity clothes in the closet yet, but I'm sure I will soon. It wasn't sad for me to do.  My outlook on this pregnancy is that I will do everything I can to be healthy, and I will not overindulge.  I think if I can maintain some form of exercise and make better food choices, I shouldn't gain the 51 pounds that I did last time. 

I already have a bump.  It hurts so bad to try to suck it in, so I guess I won't be doing that much longer.  I am still wearing baggy things to cover it as best I can.

Yesterday I went on a nesting rampage.  I know it's probably a little early for that, but I know it was nesting because I have experienced that before.  Remember with August?  You can read about that HERE.  Yesterday I went in our room to make the bed and straighten things up like I do most mornings.  The day before, I had organized Adam's sock drawer (that sounds hilarious, I know.  But he had some socks in there that needed to be thrown away.  Trust me, they were useless.  He got new socks for Christmas.), so I was inspired to do some organizing.  I started taking things out of my closet that didn't fit, same with the dresser, then I reorganized the dresser, then I made a donation pile, then I cleaned out the bottom of the closet, then I organized my just got out of control and turned into a big project.  I worked quickly though, only taking breaks to tend to August.  I'm pretty proud of everything I accomplished!  By bed time I was exhausted.  My back was killing me. I'm pretty tired today.

Today I have been craving protein like crazy.  I have been trying to eat really healthy so I don't gain weight like I did last time.  I fixed myself a smoothie for lunch like I did yesterday (spinach, mango, and pineapple), but today that wasn't enough.  I really wanted some protein.  I fixed some whole wheat crackers with a little bit of melted cheese and tuna on top.  Oh my goodness.  It was amazing!  That was our only can of tuna, so I will definitely have to get some more!  No worries, I will make sure to eat the tuna in moderation since there can be traces of mercury in certain kinds of fish.  I think as far as fish go in pregnancy though, tuna is one of the safe options.

Well, I really need to get busy and take advantage of August's nap time.  I'm fixing Chili to take to my father in-law's tonight, and I still need to wrap his present.  Hopefully I will be able to tell y'all soon (in "real time") that I am pregnant! :)

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