
Meet the Hares!

Welcome!  I'm Amanda! So glad you found my little corner of the blog world.  I started "Newlywed Hares" when my husband and I were just that- newlywed! (Hare is our last name, if you didn't catch that.) I started it to document our new life together, making our house a home, my pregnancies, and everything in between.  It's my little hobby I guess you could say.  My husband, Adam, works for a local company and is also in school full time, and I am home with the kids sipping tea and painting my fingernails, of course. (Wink.)  

Adam and I met summer of 2007 in a local country restaurant where I was his waitress.  There's a joke there somewhere.

                     We dated from summer 2007-spring 2010..........

.......... and we married June 4, 2010.

Our first child was a Weimaraner named Heidi. Best dog ever. 

A little over a year later, we found out we were pregnant with our first son, August Mitchell.  He was born on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012.  It was such a scary, but beautiful experience.

 Our little family wasn't little for long. When August was 7 months old, I found out I was expecting Baby #2...

November 2012- August at 6 months old
 Jude Marshall was born August 29, 2013. His pregnancy was beautiful, and his birth was just the opposite from his brother's- all natural.

Our little family was a family of 4 for about 18 months, until we found out we were expecting Baby #3!

Baby #3 is a beautiful baby GIRL named Layla Abney.  Her pregnancy has been my hardest.  With two toddlers in the mix, I also developed Cholestasis.  She was induced at 38 weeks and 2 days, and not a moment too soon.

So now, we have our three kiddos...

.....and life is full.  My hands are full, my head is full, and my heart is overflowing.
The question I'm always asked.....Will we have more kids?

The answer used to always be "Yes, but not right now."  I have since changed it to, "I don't know."  It has been proven to be more truthful. ;)

We don't know fully where our life on earth is headed, but it's a journey we are excited to take.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Amanda & Adam! I came across your blog this morning and I wanted to ask if you might be willing to share some of your pregnancy photos with the Maternity Gallery. A lot of moms-to-be come to my site usually to get a sense of how different every pregnancy is and many find it reassuring.

    I would be happy to link to your blog from any pics we post, or keep them anonymous, whichever you prefer.

    Either way, let me know what you think. We'd love to have your help!



    The Maternity Gallery
